/*! UIkit 3.5.3 | https://www.getuikit.com | (c) 2014 - 2020 YOOtheme | MIT License */ ! function(t, e) { "object" == typeof exports && "undefined" != typeof module ? module.exports = e() : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define("uikit", e) : (t = t || self).UIkit = e() }(this, function() { "use strict"; var t = Object.prototype, i = t.hasOwnProperty; function l(t, e) { return i.call(t, e) } var e = {}, n = /([a-z\d])([A-Z])/g; function d(t) { return t in e || (e[t] = t.replace(n, "$1-$2").toLowerCase()), e[t] } var r = /-(\w)/g; function f(t) { return t.replace(r, o) } function o(t, e) { return e ? e.toUpperCase() : "" } function p(t) { return t.length ? o(0, t.charAt(0)) + t.slice(1) : "" } var s = String.prototype, a = s.startsWith || function(t) { return 0 === this.lastIndexOf(t, 0) }; function w(t, e) { return a.call(t, e) } var h = s.endsWith || function(t) { return this.substr(-t.length) === t }; function u(t, e) { return h.call(t, e) } function c(t, e) { return !!~this.indexOf(t, e) } var m = Array.prototype, g = s.includes || c, v = m.includes || c; function b(t, e) { return t && (D(t) ? g : v).call(t, e) } var x = m.findIndex || function(t) { for (var e = arguments, i = 0; i < this.length; i++) if (t.call(e[1], this[i], i, this)) return i; return -1 }; function y(t, e) { return x.call(t, e) } var k = Array.isArray; function $(t) { return "function" == typeof t } function I(t) { return null !== t && "object" == typeof t } var S = t.toString; function T(t) { return "[object Object]" === S.call(t) } function E(t) { return I(t) && t === t.window } function _(t) { return I(t) && 9 === t.nodeType } function C(t) { return I(t) && !!t.jquery } function A(t) { return I(t) && 1 <= t.nodeType } function M(t) { return I(t) && 1 === t.nodeType } function N(t) { return S.call(t).match(/^\[object (NodeList|HTMLCollection)\]$/) } function z(t) { return "boolean" == typeof t } function D(t) { return "string" == typeof t } function B(t) { return "number" == typeof t } function P(t) { return B(t) || D(t) && !isNaN(t - parseFloat(t)) } function O(t) { return !(k(t) ? t.length : I(t) && Object.keys(t).length) } function H(t) { return void 0 === t } function L(t) { return z(t) ? t : "true" === t || "1" === t || "" === t || "false" !== t && "0" !== t && t } function F(t) { var e = Number(t); return !isNaN(e) && e } function j(t) { return parseFloat(t) || 0 } function W(t) { return A(t) ? t : N(t) || C(t) ? t[0] : k(t) ? W(t[0]) : null } function V(t) { return A(t) ? [t] : N(t) ? m.slice.call(t) : k(t) ? t.map(W).filter(Boolean) : C(t) ? t.toArray() : [] } function R(t) { return E(t) ? t : (t = W(t)) ? (_(t) ? t : t.ownerDocument).defaultView : window } function q(t) { return k(t) ? t : D(t) ? t.split(/,(?![^(]*\))/).map(function(t) { return P(t) ? F(t) : L(t.trim()) }) : [t] } function U(t) { return t ? u(t, "ms") ? j(t) : 1e3 * j(t) : 0 } function Y(t, i) { return t === i || I(t) && I(i) && Object.keys(t).length === Object.keys(i).length && J(t, function(t, e) { return t === i[e] }) } function X(t, e, i) { return t.replace(new RegExp(e + "|" + i, "g"), function(t) { return t === e ? i : e }) } var G = Object.assign || function(t) { for (var e = [], i = arguments.length - 1; 0 < i--;) e[i] = arguments[i + 1]; t = Object(t); for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { var r = e[n]; if (null !== r) for (var o in r) l(r, o) && (t[o] = r[o]) } return t }; function K(t) { return t[t.length - 1] } function J(t, e) { for (var i in t) if (!1 === e(t[i], i)) return !1; return !0 } function Z(t, r) { return t.sort(function(t, e) { var i = t[r]; void 0 === i && (i = 0); var n = e[r]; return void 0 === n && (n = 0), n < i ? 1 : i < n ? -1 : 0 }) } function Q(t, i) { var n = new Set; return t.filter(function(t) { var e = t[i]; return !n.has(e) && (n.add(e) || !0) }) } function tt(t, e, i) { return void 0 === e && (e = 0), void 0 === i && (i = 1), Math.min(Math.max(F(t) || 0, e), i) } function et() {} function it(t, e) { return t.left < e.right && t.right > e.left && t.top < e.bottom && t.bottom > e.top } function nt(t, e) { return t.x <= e.right && t.x >= e.left && t.y <= e.bottom && t.y >= e.top } var rt = { ratio: function(t, e, i) { var n = "width" === e ? "height" : "width", r = {}; return r[n] = t[e] ? Math.round(i * t[n] / t[e]) : t[n], r[e] = i, r }, contain: function(i, n) { var r = this; return J(i = G({}, i), function(t, e) { return i = i[e] > n[e] ? r.ratio(i, e, n[e]) : i }), i }, cover: function(i, n) { var r = this; return J(i = this.contain(i, n), function(t, e) { return i = i[e] < n[e] ? r.ratio(i, e, n[e]) : i }), i } }; function ot(t, e, i) { if (I(e)) for (var n in e) ot(t, n, e[n]); else { if (H(i)) return (t = W(t)) && t.getAttribute(e); V(t).forEach(function(t) { $(i) && (i = i.call(t, ot(t, e))), null === i ? at(t, e) : t.setAttribute(e, i) }) } } function st(t, e) { return V(t).some(function(t) { return t.hasAttribute(e) }) } function at(t, e) { t = V(t), e.split(" ").forEach(function(e) { return t.forEach(function(t) { return t.hasAttribute(e) && t.removeAttribute(e) }) }) } function ht(t, e) { for (var i = 0, n = [e, "data-" + e]; i < n.length; i++) if (st(t, n[i])) return ot(t, n[i]) } var ut = "undefined" != typeof window, ct = ut && /msie|trident/i.test(window.navigator.userAgent), lt = ut && "rtl" === ot(document.documentElement, "dir"), dt = ut && "ontouchstart" in window, ft = ut && window.PointerEvent, pt = ut && (dt || window.DocumentTouch && document instanceof DocumentTouch || navigator.maxTouchPoints), mt = ft ? "pointerdown" : dt ? "touchstart" : "mousedown", gt = ft ? "pointermove" : dt ? "touchmove" : "mousemove", vt = ft ? "pointerup" : dt ? "touchend" : "mouseup", wt = ft ? "pointerenter" : dt ? "" : "mouseenter", bt = ft ? "pointerleave" : dt ? "" : "mouseleave", xt = ft ? "pointercancel" : "touchcancel"; function yt(t, e) { return W(t) || It(t, $t(t, e)) } function kt(t, e) { var i = V(t); return i.length && i || St(t, $t(t, e)) } function $t(t, e) { return void 0 === e && (e = document), Ct(t) || _(e) ? e : e.ownerDocument } function It(t, e) { return W(Tt(t, e, "querySelector")) } function St(t, e) { return V(Tt(t, e, "querySelectorAll")) } function Tt(t, s, e) { if (void 0 === s && (s = document), !t || !D(t)) return null; var a; Ct(t = t.replace(_t, "$1 *")) && (a = [], t = t.match(At).map(function(t) { return t.replace(/,$/, "").trim() }).map(function(t, e) { var i, n, r, o = s; return "!" === t[0] && (i = t.substr(1).trim().split(" "), o = Bt(Pt(s), i[0]), t = i.slice(1).join(" ").trim()), "-" === t[0] && (n = t.substr(1).trim().split(" "), r = (o || s).previousElementSibling, o = zt(r, t.substr(1)) ? r : null, t = n.slice(1).join(" ")), o ? (o.id || (o.id = "uk-" + Date.now() + e, a.push(function() { return at(o, "id") })), "#" + Ht(o.id) + " " + t) : null }).filter(Boolean).join(","), s = document); try { return s[e](t) } catch (t) { return null } finally { a && a.forEach(function(t) { return t() }) } } var Et = /(^|[^\\],)\s*[!>+~-]/, _t = /([!>+~-])(?=\s+[!>+~-]|\s*$)/g; function Ct(t) { return D(t) && t.match(Et) } var At = /.*?[^\\](?:,|$)/g; var Mt = ut ? Element.prototype : {}, Nt = Mt.matches || Mt.webkitMatchesSelector || Mt.msMatchesSelector || et; function zt(t, e) { return V(t).some(function(t) { return Nt.call(t, e) }) } var Dt = Mt.closest || function(t) { var e = this; do { if (zt(e, t)) return e } while (e = Pt(e)) }; function Bt(t, e) { return w(e, ">") && (e = e.slice(1)), M(t) ? Dt.call(t, e) : V(t).map(function(t) { return Bt(t, e) }).filter(Boolean) } function Pt(t) { return (t = W(t)) && M(t.parentNode) && t.parentNode } var Ot = ut && window.CSS && CSS.escape || function(t) { return t.replace(/([^\x7f-\uFFFF\w-])/g, function(t) { return "\\" + t }) }; function Ht(t) { return D(t) ? Ot.call(null, t) : "" } var Lt = { area: !0, base: !0, br: !0, col: !0, embed: !0, hr: !0, img: !0, input: !0, keygen: !0, link: !0, menuitem: !0, meta: !0, param: !0, source: !0, track: !0, wbr: !0 }; function Ft(t) { return V(t).some(function(t) { return Lt[t.tagName.toLowerCase()] }) } function jt(t) { return V(t).some(function(t) { return t.offsetWidth || t.offsetHeight || t.getClientRects().length }) } var Wt = "input,select,textarea,button"; function Vt(t) { return V(t).some(function(t) { return zt(t, Wt) }) } function Rt(t, e) { return V(t).filter(function(t) { return zt(t, e) }) } function qt(t, e) { return D(e) ? zt(t, e) || !!Bt(t, e) : t === e || (_(e) ? e.documentElement : W(e)).contains(W(t)) } function Ut(t, e) { for (var i = []; t = Pt(t);) e && !zt(t, e) || i.push(t); return i } function Yt(t, e) { var i = (t = W(t)) ? V(t.children) : []; return e ? Rt(i, e) : i } function Xt() { for (var t = [], e = arguments.length; e--;) t[e] = arguments[e]; var i, n, r = Qt(t), o = r[0], s = r[1], a = r[2], h = r[3], u = r[4], o = ne(o); return 1 < h.length && (i = h, h = function(t) { return k(t.detail) ? i.apply(void 0, [t].concat(t.detail)) : i(t) }), u && u.self && (n = h, h = function(t) { if (t.target === t.currentTarget || t.target === t.current) return n.call(null, t) }), a && (h = function(t, n, r) { var o = this; return function(i) { t.forEach(function(t) { var e = ">" === n[0] ? St(n, t).reverse().filter(function(t) { return qt(i.target, t) })[0] : Bt(i.target, n); e && (i.delegate = t, i.current = e, r.call(o, i)) }) } }(o, a, h)), u = te(u), s.split(" ").forEach(function(e) { return o.forEach(function(t) { return t.addEventListener(e, h, u) }) }), function() { return Gt(o, s, h, u) } } function Gt(t, e, i, n) { void 0 === n && (n = !1), n = te(n), t = ne(t), e.split(" ").forEach(function(e) { return t.forEach(function(t) { return t.removeEventListener(e, i, n) }) }) } function Kt() { for (var t = [], e = arguments.length; e--;) t[e] = arguments[e]; var i = Qt(t), n = i[0], r = i[1], o = i[2], s = i[3], a = i[4], h = i[5], u = Xt(n, r, o, function(t) { var e = !h || h(t); e && (u(), s(t, e)) }, a); return u } function Jt(t, i, n) { return ne(t).reduce(function(t, e) { return t && e.dispatchEvent(Zt(i, !0, !0, n)) }, !0) } function Zt(t, e, i, n) { var r; return void 0 === e && (e = !0), void 0 === i && (i = !1), D(t) && ((r = document.createEvent("CustomEvent")).initCustomEvent(t, e, i, n), t = r), t } function Qt(t) { return $(t[2]) && t.splice(2, 0, !1), t } function te(t) { return t && ct && !z(t) ? !!t.capture : t } function ee(t) { return t && "addEventListener" in t } function ie(t) { return ee(t) ? t : W(t) } function ne(t) { return k(t) ? t.map(ie).filter(Boolean) : D(t) ? St(t) : ee(t) ? [t] : V(t) } function re(t) { return "touch" === t.pointerType || !!t.touches } function oe(t) { var e = t.touches, i = t.changedTouches, n = e && e[0] || i && i[0] || t; return { x: n.clientX, y: n.clientY } } function se() { var i = this; this.promise = new ae(function(t, e) { i.reject = e, i.resolve = t }) } var ae = ut && window.Promise || ce, he = 2, ue = ut && window.setImmediate || setTimeout; function ce(t) { this.state = he, this.value = void 0, this.deferred = []; var e = this; try { t(function(t) { e.resolve(t) }, function(t) { e.reject(t) }) } catch (t) { e.reject(t) } } ce.reject = function(i) { return new ce(function(t, e) { e(i) }) }, ce.resolve = function(i) { return new ce(function(t, e) { t(i) }) }, ce.all = function(o) { return new ce(function(i, t) { var n = [], r = 0; 0 === o.length && i(n); for (var e = 0; e < o.length; e += 1) ce.resolve(o[e]).then(function(e) { return function(t) { n[e] = t, (r += 1) === o.length && i(n) } }(e), t) }) }, ce.race = function(n) { return new ce(function(t, e) { for (var i = 0; i < n.length; i += 1) ce.resolve(n[i]).then(t, e) }) }; var le = ce.prototype; function de(s, a) { return new ae(function(t, e) { var i = G({ data: null, method: "GET", headers: {}, xhr: new XMLHttpRequest, beforeSend: et, responseType: "" }, a); i.beforeSend(i); var n = i.xhr; for (var r in i) if (r in n) try { n[r] = i[r] } catch (t) {} for (var o in n.open(i.method.toUpperCase(), s), i.headers) n.setRequestHeader(o, i.headers[o]); Xt(n, "load", function() { 0 === n.status || 200 <= n.status && n.status < 300 || 304 === n.status ? t(n) : e(G(Error(n.statusText), { xhr: n, status: n.status })) }), Xt(n, "error", function() { return e(G(Error("Network Error"), { xhr: n })) }), Xt(n, "timeout", function() { return e(G(Error("Network Timeout"), { xhr: n })) }), n.send(i.data) }) } function fe(n, r, o) { return new ae(function(t, e) { var i = new Image; i.onerror = e, i.onload = function() { return t(i) }, o && (i.sizes = o), r && (i.srcset = r), i.src = n }) } function pe(t) { var e; "loading" === document.readyState ? e = Xt(document, "DOMContentLoaded", function() { e(), t() }) : t() } function me(t, e) { return e ? V(t).indexOf(W(e)) : Yt(Pt(t)).indexOf(t) } function ge(t, e, i, n) { void 0 === i && (i = 0), void 0 === n && (n = !1); var r = (e = V(e)).length; return t = P(t) ? F(t) : "next" === t ? i + 1 : "previous" === t ? i - 1 : me(e, t), n ? tt(t, 0, r - 1) : (t %= r) < 0 ? t + r : t } function ve(t) { return (t = Me(t)).innerHTML = "", t } function we(t, e) { return t = Me(t), H(e) ? t.innerHTML : be(t.hasChildNodes() ? ve(t) : t, e) } function be(e, t) { return e = Me(e), ke(t, function(t) { return e.appendChild(t) }) } function xe(e, t) { return e = Me(e), ke(t, function(t) { return e.parentNode.insertBefore(t, e) }) } function ye(e, t) { return e = Me(e), ke(t, function(t) { return e.nextSibling ? xe(e.nextSibling, t) : be(e.parentNode, t) }) } function ke(t, e) { return (t = D(t) ? Ce(t) : t) ? "length" in t ? V(t).map(e) : e(t) : null } function $e(t) { V(t).map(function(t) { return t.parentNode && t.parentNode.removeChild(t) }) } function Ie(t, e) { for (e = W(xe(t, e)); e.firstChild;) e = e.firstChild; return be(e, t), e } function Se(t, e) { return V(V(t).map(function(t) { return t.hasChildNodes ? Ie(V(t.childNodes), e) : be(t, e) })) } function Te(t) { V(t).map(Pt).filter(function(t, e, i) { return i.indexOf(t) === e }).forEach(function(t) { xe(t, t.childNodes), $e(t) }) } le.resolve = function(t) { var e = this; if (e.state === he) { if (t === e) throw new TypeError("Promise settled with itself."); var i = !1; try { var n = t && t.then; if (null !== t && I(t) && $(n)) return void n.call(t, function(t) { i || e.resolve(t), i = !0 }, function(t) { i || e.reject(t), i = !0 }) } catch (t) { return void(i || e.reject(t)) } e.state = 0, e.value = t, e.notify() } }, le.reject = function(t) { var e = this; if (e.state === he) { if (t === e) throw new TypeError("Promise settled with itself."); e.state = 1, e.value = t, e.notify() } }, le.notify = function() { var o = this; ue(function() { if (o.state !== he) for (; o.deferred.length;) { var t = o.deferred.shift(), e = t[0], i = t[1], n = t[2], r = t[3]; try { 0 === o.state ? $(e) ? n(e.call(void 0, o.value)) : n(o.value) : 1 === o.state && ($(i) ? n(i.call(void 0, o.value)) : r(o.value)) } catch (t) { r(t) } } }) }, le.then = function(i, n) { var r = this; return new ce(function(t, e) { r.deferred.push([i, n, t, e]), r.notify() }) }, le.catch = function(t) { return this.then(void 0, t) }; var Ee = /^\s*<(\w+|!)[^>]*>/, _e = /^<(\w+)\s*\/?>(?:<\/\1>)?$/; function Ce(t) { var e = _e.exec(t); if (e) return document.createElement(e[1]); var i = document.createElement("div"); return Ee.test(t) ? i.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", t.trim()) : i.textContent = t, 1 < i.childNodes.length ? V(i.childNodes) : i.firstChild } function Ae(t, e) { if (M(t)) for (e(t), t = t.firstElementChild; t;) { var i = t.nextElementSibling; Ae(t, e), t = i } } function Me(t, e) { return D(t) ? ze(t) ? W(Ce(t)) : It(t, e) : W(t) } function Ne(t, e) { return D(t) ? ze(t) ? V(Ce(t)) : St(t, e) : V(t) } function ze(t) { return "<" === t[0] || t.match(/^\s* n[u]) { var i = p[s] / 2, r = "center" === l[a] ? -m[s] / 2 : 0; return "center" === c[a] && (o(i, r) || o(-i, -r)) || o(t, e) } function o(e, t) { var i = (g[h] + e + t - 2 * d[a]).toFixed(4); if (i >= n[h] && i + p[s] <= n[u]) return g[h] = i, ["element", "target"].forEach(function(t) { f[t][a] = e ? f[t][a] === ri[s][1] ? ri[s][2] : ri[s][1] : f[t][a] }), !0 } }) })), si(t, g), f } function si(i, n) { if (!n) return ai(i); var r = si(i), o = Re(i, "position"); ["left", "top"].forEach(function(t) { var e; t in n && (e = Re(i, t), Re(i, t, n[t] - r[t] + j("absolute" === o && "auto" === e ? hi(i)[t] : e))) }) } function ai(t) { if (!t) return {}; var e, i, n = R(t), r = n.pageYOffset, o = n.pageXOffset; if (E(t)) { var s = t.innerHeight, a = t.innerWidth; return { top: r, left: o, height: s, width: a, bottom: r + s, right: o + a } } jt(t) || "none" !== Re(t, "display") || (e = ot(t, "style"), i = ot(t, "hidden"), ot(t, { style: (e || "") + ";display:block !important;", hidden: null })); var h = (t = W(t)).getBoundingClientRect(); return H(e) || ot(t, { style: e, hidden: i }), { height: h.height, width: h.width, top: h.top + r, left: h.left + o, bottom: h.bottom + r, right: h.right + o } } function hi(t, e) { e = e || W(t).offsetParent || R(t).document.documentElement; var i = si(t), n = si(e); return { top: i.top - n.top - j(Re(e, "borderTopWidth")), left: i.left - n.left - j(Re(e, "borderLeftWidth")) } } function ui(t) { var e = [0, 0]; t = W(t); do { if (e[0] += t.offsetTop, e[1] += t.offsetLeft, "fixed" === Re(t, "position")) { var i = R(t); return e[0] += i.pageYOffset, e[1] += i.pageXOffset, e } } while (t = t.offsetParent); return e } var ci = di("height"), li = di("width"); function di(n) { var r = p(n); return function(t, e) { if (H(e)) { if (E(t)) return t["inner" + r]; if (_(t)) { var i = t.documentElement; return Math.max(i["offset" + r], i["scroll" + r]) } return (e = "auto" === (e = Re(t = W(t), n)) ? t["offset" + r] : j(e) || 0) - fi(t, n) } Re(t, n, e || 0 === e ? +e + fi(t, n) + "px" : "") } } function fi(i, t, e) { return void 0 === e && (e = "border-box"), Re(i, "boxSizing") === e ? ri[t].slice(1).map(p).reduce(function(t, e) { return t + j(Re(i, "padding" + e)) + j(Re(i, "border" + e + "Width")) }, 0) : 0 } function pi(o, s, a, h) { J(ri, function(t, e) { var i = t[0], n = t[1], r = t[2]; s[i] === r ? o[n] += a[e] * h : "center" === s[i] && (o[n] += a[e] * h / 2) }) } function mi(t) { var e = /left|center|right/, i = /top|center|bottom/; return 1 === (t = (t || "").split(" ")).length && (t = e.test(t[0]) ? t.concat("center") : i.test(t[0]) ? ["center"].concat(t) : ["center", "center"]), { x: e.test(t[0]) ? t[0] : "center", y: i.test(t[1]) ? t[1] : "center" } } function gi(t, e, i) { var n = (t || "").split(" "), r = n[0], o = n[1]; return { x: r ? j(r) * (u(r, "%") ? e / 100 : 1) : 0, y: o ? j(o) * (u(o, "%") ? i / 100 : 1) : 0 } } function vi(t) { switch (t) { case "left": return "right"; case "right": return "left"; case "top": return "bottom"; case "bottom": return "top"; default: return t } } function wi(t, e, i) { return void 0 === e && (e = "width"), void 0 === i && (i = window), P(t) ? +t : u(t, "vh") ? bi(ci(R(i)), t) : u(t, "vw") ? bi(li(R(i)), t) : u(t, "%") ? bi(ai(i)[e], t) : j(t) } function bi(t, e) { return t * j(e) / 100 } var xi = { reads: [], writes: [], read: function(t) { return this.reads.push(t), $i(), t }, write: function(t) { return this.writes.push(t), $i(), t }, clear: function(t) { return Si(this.reads, t) || Si(this.writes, t) }, flush: yi }; function yi(t) { void 0 === t && (t = 1), Ii(xi.reads), Ii(xi.writes.splice(0, xi.writes.length)), xi.scheduled = !1, (xi.reads.length || xi.writes.length) && $i(t + 1) } var ki = 5; function $i(t) { if (!xi.scheduled) { if (xi.scheduled = !0, ki < t) throw new Error("Maximum recursion limit reached."); t ? ae.resolve().then(function() { return yi(t) }) : requestAnimationFrame(function() { return yi() }) } } function Ii(t) { for (var e; e = t.shift();) e() } function Si(t, e) { var i = t.indexOf(e); return !!~i && !!t.splice(i, 1) } function Ti() {} Ti.prototype = { positions: [], init: function() { var e, t = this; this.positions = [], this.unbind = Xt(document, "mousemove", function(t) { return e = oe(t) }), this.interval = setInterval(function() { e && (t.positions.push(e), 5 < t.positions.length && t.positions.shift()) }, 50) }, cancel: function() { this.unbind && this.unbind(), this.interval && clearInterval(this.interval) }, movesTo: function(t) { if (this.positions.length < 2) return !1; var i = t.getBoundingClientRect(), e = i.left, n = i.right, r = i.top, o = i.bottom, s = this.positions[0], a = K(this.positions), h = [s, a]; return !nt(a, i) && [ [{ x: e, y: r }, { x: n, y: o }], [{ x: e, y: o }, { x: n, y: r }] ].some(function(t) { var e = function(t, e) { var i = t[0], n = i.x, r = i.y, o = t[1], s = o.x, a = o.y, h = e[0], u = h.x, c = h.y, l = e[1], d = l.x, f = l.y, p = (f - c) * (s - n) - (d - u) * (a - r); if (0 == p) return !1; var m = ((d - u) * (r - c) - (f - c) * (n - u)) / p; if (m < 0) return !1; return { x: n + m * (s - n), y: r + m * (a - r) } }(h, t); return e && nt(e, i) }) } }; var Ei = {}; function _i(t, e, i) { return Ei.computed($(t) ? t.call(i, i) : t, $(e) ? e.call(i, i) : e) } function Ci(t, e) { return t = t && !k(t) ? [t] : t, e ? t ? t.concat(e) : k(e) ? e : [e] : t } function Ai(e, i, n) { var r = {}; if ($(i) && (i = i.options), i.extends && (e = Ai(e, i.extends, n)), i.mixins) for (var t = 0, o = i.mixins.length; t < o; t++) e = Ai(e, i.mixins[t], n); for (var s in e) h(s); for (var a in i) l(e, a) || h(a); function h(t) { r[t] = (Ei[t] || function(t, e) { return H(e) ? t : e })(e[t], i[t], n) } return r } function Mi(t, e) { var i; void 0 === e && (e = []); try { return t ? w(t, "{") ? JSON.parse(t) : e.length && !b(t, ":") ? ((i = {})[e[0]] = t, i) : t.split(";").reduce(function(t, e) { var i = e.split(/:(.*)/), n = i[0], r = i[1]; return n && !H(r) && (t[n.trim()] = r.trim()), t }, {}) : {} } catch (t) { return {} } } Ei.events = Ei.created = Ei.beforeConnect = Ei.connected = Ei.beforeDisconnect = Ei.disconnected = Ei.destroy = Ci, Ei.args = function(t, e) { return !1 !== e && Ci(e || t) }, Ei.update = function(t, e) { return Z(Ci(t, $(e) ? { read: e } : e), "order") }, Ei.props = function(t, e) { return k(e) && (e = e.reduce(function(t, e) { return t[e] = String, t }, {})), Ei.methods(t, e) }, Ei.computed = Ei.methods = function(t, e) { return e ? t ? G({}, t, e) : e : t }, Ei.data = function(e, i, t) { return t ? _i(e, i, t) : i ? e ? function(t) { return _i(e, i, t) } : i : e }; function Ni(t) { this.id = ++zi, this.el = W(t) } var zi = 0; function Di(t, e) { try { t.contentWindow.postMessage(JSON.stringify(G({ event: "command" }, e)), "*") } catch (t) {} } function Bi(h, u, c) { if (void 0 === u && (u = 0), void 0 === c && (c = 0), !jt(h)) return !1; var l = ji(h); return l.every(function(t, e) { var i = si(l[e + 1] || h), n = si(Fi(t)), r = n.top, o = n.left, s = n.bottom, a = n.right; return it(i, { top: r - u, left: o - c, bottom: s + u, right: a + c }) }) } function Pi(t, e) { (t = (E(t) || _(t) ? Wi : W)(t)).scrollTop = e } function Oi(t, e) { void 0 === e && (e = {}); var c = e.offset; if (void 0 === c && (c = 0), jt(t)) { for (var l = ji(t).concat(t), i = ae.resolve(), n = function(u) { i = i.then(function() { return new ae(function(i) { var t, n = l[u], e = l[u + 1], r = n.scrollTop, o = Math.ceil(hi(e, Fi(n)).top - c), s = (t = Math.abs(o), 40 * Math.pow(t, .375)), a = Date.now(), h = function() { var t, e = (t = tt((Date.now() - a) / s), .5 * (1 - Math.cos(Math.PI * t))); Pi(n, r + o * e), 1 != e ? requestAnimationFrame(h) : i() }; h() }) }) }, r = 0; r < l.length - 1; r++) n(r); return i } } function Hi(t, e) { if (void 0 === e && (e = 0), !jt(t)) return 0; var i = K(Li(t)), n = i.scrollHeight, r = i.scrollTop, o = si(Fi(i)).height, s = ui(t)[0] - r - ui(i)[0], a = Math.min(o, s + r); return tt(-1 * (s - a) / Math.min(si(t).height + e + a, n - (s + r), n - o)) } function Li(t, e) { void 0 === e && (e = /auto|scroll/); var i = Wi(t), n = Ut(t).filter(function(t) { return t === i || e.test(Re(t, "overflow")) && t.scrollHeight > Math.round(si(t).height) }).reverse(); return n.length ? n : [i] } function Fi(t) { return t === Wi(t) ? window : t } function ji(t) { return Li(t, /auto|scroll|hidden/) } function Wi(t) { var e = R(t).document; return e.scrollingElement || e.documentElement } Ni.prototype.isVideo = function() { return this.isYoutube() || this.isVimeo() || this.isHTML5() }, Ni.prototype.isHTML5 = function() { return "VIDEO" === this.el.tagName }, Ni.prototype.isIFrame = function() { return "IFRAME" === this.el.tagName }, Ni.prototype.isYoutube = function() { return this.isIFrame() && !!this.el.src.match(/\/\/.*?youtube(-nocookie)?\.[a-z]+\/(watch\?v=[^&\s]+|embed)|youtu\.be\/.*/) }, Ni.prototype.isVimeo = function() { return this.isIFrame() && !!this.el.src.match(/vimeo\.com\/video\/.*/) }, Ni.prototype.enableApi = function() { var e = this; if (this.ready) return this.ready; var i, r = this.isYoutube(), o = this.isVimeo(); return r || o ? this.ready = new ae(function(t) { var n; Kt(e.el, "load", function() { var t; r && (t = function() { return Di(e.el, { event: "listening", id: e.id }) }, i = setInterval(t, 100), t()) }), n = function(t) { return r && t.id === e.id && "onReady" === t.event || o && Number(t.player_id) === e.id }, new ae(function(i) { return Kt(window, "message", function(t, e) { return i(e) }, !1, function(t) { var e = t.data; if (e && D(e)) { try { e = JSON.parse(e) } catch (t) { return } return e && n(e) } }) }).then(function() { t(), i && clearInterval(i) }), ot(e.el, "src", e.el.src + (b(e.el.src, "?") ? "&" : "?") + (r ? "enablejsapi=1" : "api=1&player_id=" + e.id)) }) : ae.resolve() }, Ni.prototype.play = function() { var t = this; if (this.isVideo()) if (this.isIFrame()) this.enableApi().then(function() { return Di(t.el, { func: "playVideo", method: "play" }) }); else if (this.isHTML5()) try { var e = this.el.play(); e && e.catch(et) } catch (t) {} }, Ni.prototype.pause = function() { var t = this; this.isVideo() && (this.isIFrame() ? this.enableApi().then(function() { return Di(t.el, { func: "pauseVideo", method: "pause" }) }) : this.isHTML5() && this.el.pause()) }, Ni.prototype.mute = function() { var t = this; this.isVideo() && (this.isIFrame() ? this.enableApi().then(function() { return Di(t.el, { func: "mute", method: "setVolume", value: 0 }) }) : this.isHTML5() && (this.el.muted = !0, ot(this.el, "muted", ""))) }; var Vi = ut && window.IntersectionObserver || function() { function t(e, t) { var i = this; void 0 === t && (t = {}); var n = t.rootMargin; void 0 === n && (n = "0 0"), this.targets = []; var r, o = (n || "0 0").split(" ").map(j), s = o[0], a = o[1]; this.offsetTop = s, this.offsetLeft = a, this.apply = function() { r = r || requestAnimationFrame(function() { return setTimeout(function() { var t = i.takeRecords(); t.length && e(t, i), r = !1 }) }) }, this.off = Xt(window, "scroll resize load", this.apply, { passive: !0, capture: !0 }) } return t.prototype.takeRecords = function() { var i = this; return this.targets.filter(function(t) { var e = Bi(t.target, i.offsetTop, i.offsetLeft); if (null === t.isIntersecting || e ^ t.isIntersecting) return t.isIntersecting = e, !0 }) }, t.prototype.observe = function(t) { this.targets.push({ target: t, isIntersecting: null }), this.apply() }, t.prototype.disconnect = function() { this.targets = [], this.off() }, t }(); function Ri(t) { return !(!w(t, "uk-") && !w(t, "data-uk-")) && f(t.replace("data-uk-", "").replace("uk-", "")) } function qi(t) { this._init(t) } var Ui, Yi, Xi, Gi, Ki, Ji, Zi, Qi, tn; function en(t, e) { if (t) for (var i in t) t[i]._connected && t[i]._callUpdate(e) } function nn(t, e) { var i = {}, n = t.args; void 0 === n && (n = []); var r = t.props; void 0 === r && (r = {}); var o = t.el; if (!r) return i; for (var s in r) { var a = d(s), h = ht(o, a); H(h) || (h = r[s] === Boolean && "" === h || on(r[s], h), ("target" !== a || h && !w(h, "_")) && (i[s] = h)) } var u = Mi(ht(o, e), n); for (var c in u) { var l = f(c); void 0 !== r[l] && (i[l] = on(r[l], u[c])) } return i } function rn(e, i, n) { T(i) || (i = { name: n, handler: i }); var t = i.name, r = i.el, o = i.handler, s = i.capture, a = i.passive, h = i.delegate, u = i.filter, c = i.self, r = $(r) ? r.call(e) : r || e.$el; k(r) ? r.forEach(function(t) { return rn(e, G({}, i, { el: t }), n) }) : !r || u && !u.call(e) || e._events.push(Xt(r, t, h ? D(h) ? h : h.call(e) : null, D(o) ? e[o] : o.bind(e), { passive: a, capture: s, self: c })) } function on(t, e) { return t === Boolean ? L(e) : t === Number ? F(e) : "list" === t ? q(e) : t ? t(e) : e } qi.util = Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, ajax: de, getImage: fe, transition: Ze, Transition: Qe, animate: ei, Animation: ni, attr: ot, hasAttr: st, removeAttr: at, data: ht, addClass: De, removeClass: Be, removeClasses: Pe, replaceClass: Oe, hasClass: He, toggleClass: Le, positionAt: oi, offset: si, position: hi, offsetPosition: ui, height: ci, width: li, boxModelAdjust: fi, flipPosition: vi, toPx: wi, ready: pe, index: me, getIndex: ge, empty: ve, html: we, prepend: function(e, t) { return (e = Me(e)).hasChildNodes() ? ke(t, function(t) { return e.insertBefore(t, e.firstChild) }) : be(e, t) }, append: be, before: xe, after: ye, remove: $e, wrapAll: Ie, wrapInner: Se, unwrap: Te, fragment: Ce, apply: Ae, $: Me, $$: Ne, inBrowser: ut, isIE: ct, isRtl: lt, hasTouch: pt, pointerDown: mt, pointerMove: gt, pointerUp: vt, pointerEnter: wt, pointerLeave: bt, pointerCancel: xt, on: Xt, off: Gt, once: Kt, trigger: Jt, createEvent: Zt, toEventTargets: ne, isTouch: re, getEventPos: oe, fastdom: xi, isVoidElement: Ft, isVisible: jt, selInput: Wt, isInput: Vt, filter: Rt, within: qt, parents: Ut, children: Yt, hasOwn: l, hyphenate: d, camelize: f, ucfirst: p, startsWith: w, endsWith: u, includes: b, findIndex: y, isArray: k, isFunction: $, isObject: I, isPlainObject: T, isWindow: E, isDocument: _, isJQuery: C, isNode: A, isElement: M, isNodeCollection: N, isBoolean: z, isString: D, isNumber: B, isNumeric: P, isEmpty: O, isUndefined: H, toBoolean: L, toNumber: F, toFloat: j, toNode: W, toNodes: V, toWindow: R, toList: q, toMs: U, isEqual: Y, swap: X, assign: G, last: K, each: J, sortBy: Z, uniqueBy: Q, clamp: tt, noop: et, intersectRect: it, pointInRect: nt, Dimensions: rt, MouseTracker: Ti, mergeOptions: Ai, parseOptions: Mi, Player: Ni, Promise: ae, Deferred: se, IntersectionObserver: Vi, query: yt, queryAll: kt, find: It, findAll: St, matches: zt, closest: Bt, parent: Pt, escape: Ht, css: Re, getStyles: qe, getStyle: Ue, getCssVar: Xe, propName: Ke, isInView: Bi, scrollTop: Pi, scrollIntoView: Oi, scrolledOver: Hi, scrollParents: Li, getViewport: Fi }), qi.data = "__uikit__", qi.prefix = "uk-", qi.options = {}, qi.version = "3.5.3", Xi = (Ui = qi).data, Ui.use = function(t) { if (!t.installed) return t.call(null, this), t.installed = !0, this }, Ui.mixin = function(t, e) { (e = (D(e) ? Ui.component(e) : e) || this).options = Ai(e.options, t) }, Ui.extend = function(t) { t = t || {}; function e(t) { this._init(t) } return ((e.prototype = Object.create(this.prototype)).constructor = e).options = Ai(this.options, t), e.super = this, e.extend = this.extend, e }, Ui.update = function(t, e) { Ut(t = t ? W(t) : document.body).reverse().forEach(function(t) { return en(t[Xi], e) }), Ae(t, function(t) { return en(t[Xi], e) }) }, Object.defineProperty(Ui, "container", { get: function() { return Yi || document.body }, set: function(t) { Yi = Me(t) } }), (Gi = qi).prototype._callHook = function(t) { var e = this, i = this.$options[t]; i && i.forEach(function(t) { return t.call(e) }) }, Gi.prototype._callConnected = function() { this._connected || (this._data = {}, this._computeds = {}, this._frames = { reads: {}, writes: {} }, this._initProps(), this._callHook("beforeConnect"), this._connected = !0, this._initEvents(), this._initObserver(), this._callHook("connected"), this._callUpdate()) }, Gi.prototype._callDisconnected = function() { this._connected && (this._callHook("beforeDisconnect"), this._observer && (this._observer.disconnect(), this._observer = null), this._unbindEvents(), this._callHook("disconnected"), this._connected = !1) }, Gi.prototype._callUpdate = function(t) { var o = this; void 0 === t && (t = "update"); var s = t.type || t; b(["update", "resize"], s) && this._callWatches(); var e = this.$options.update, i = this._frames, a = i.reads, h = i.writes; e && e.forEach(function(t, e) { var i = t.read, n = t.write, r = t.events; "update" !== s && !b(r, s) || (i && !b(xi.reads, a[e]) && (a[e] = xi.read(function() { var t = o._connected && i.call(o, o._data, s); !1 === t && n ? xi.clear(h[e]) : T(t) && G(o._data, t) })), n && !b(xi.writes, h[e]) && (h[e] = xi.write(function() { return o._connected && n.call(o, o._data, s) }))) }) }, Gi.prototype._callWatches = function() { var h, u = this, c = this._frames; c._watch || (h = !l(c, "_watch"), c._watch = xi.read(function() { if (u._connected) { var t = u.$options.computed, e = u._computeds; for (var i in t) { var n = l(e, i), r = e[i]; delete e[i]; var o = t[i], s = o.watch, a = o.immediate; s && (h && a || n && !Y(r, u[i])) && s.call(u, u[i], r) } c._watch = null } })) }, Ji = 0, (Ki = qi).prototype._init = function(t) { (t = t || {}).data = function(t, e) { var i = t.data, n = (t.el, e.args), r = e.props; void 0 === r && (r = {}); if (i = k(i) ? O(n) ? void 0 : i.slice(0, n.length).reduce(function(t, e, i) { return T(e) ? G(t, e) : t[n[i]] = e, t }, {}) : i) for (var o in i) H(i[o]) ? delete i[o] : i[o] = r[o] ? on(r[o], i[o]) : i[o]; return i }(t, this.constructor.options), this.$options = Ai(this.constructor.options, t, this), this.$el = null, this.$props = {}, this._uid = Ji++, this._initData(), this._initMethods(), this._initComputeds(), this._callHook("created"), t.el && this.$mount(t.el) }, Ki.prototype._initData = function() { var t = this.$options.data; for (var e in void 0 === t && (t = {}), t) this.$props[e] = this[e] = t[e] }, Ki.prototype._initMethods = function() { var t = this.$options.methods; if (t) for (var e in t) this[e] = t[e].bind(this) }, Ki.prototype._initComputeds = function() { var t = this.$options.computed; if (this._computeds = {}, t) for (var e in t) ! function(n, r, o) { Object.defineProperty(n, r, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { var t = n._computeds, e = n.$props, i = n.$el; return l(t, r) || (t[r] = (o.get || o).call(n, e, i)), t[r] }, set: function(t) { var e = n._computeds; e[r] = o.set ? o.set.call(n, t) : t, H(e[r]) && delete e[r] } }) }(this, e, t[e]) }, Ki.prototype._initProps = function(t) { var e; for (e in t = t || nn(this.$options, this.$name)) H(t[e]) || (this.$props[e] = t[e]); var i = [this.$options.computed, this.$options.methods]; for (e in this.$props) e in t && function(t, e) { return t.every(function(t) { return !t || !l(t, e) }) }(i, e) && (this[e] = this.$props[e]) }, Ki.prototype._initEvents = function() { var i = this; this._events = []; var t = this.$options.events; t && t.forEach(function(t) { if (l(t, "handler")) rn(i, t); else for (var e in t) rn(i, t[e], e) }) }, Ki.prototype._unbindEvents = function() { this._events.forEach(function(t) { return t() }), delete this._events }, Ki.prototype._initObserver = function() { var t, n = this, e = this.$options, r = e.attrs, i = e.props, o = e.el; !this._observer && i && !1 !== r && (r = k(r) ? r : Object.keys(i), this._observer = new MutationObserver(function(t) { var i = nn(n.$options, n.$name); t.some(function(t) { var e = t.attributeName.replace("data-", ""); return (e === n.$name ? r : [f(e)]).some(function(t) { return !H(i[t]) && i[t] !== n.$props[t] }) }) && n.$reset() }), t = r.map(d).concat(this.$name), this._observer.observe(o, { attributes: !0, attributeFilter: t.concat(t.map(function(t) { return "data-" + t })) })) }, Qi = (Zi = qi).data, tn = {}, Zi.component = function(s, t) { var e = d(s); if (s = f(e), !t) return T(tn[s]) && (tn[s] = Zi.extend(tn[s])), tn[s]; Zi[s] = function(t, i) { for (var e = arguments.length, n = Array(e); e--;) n[e] = arguments[e]; var r = Zi.component(s); return r.options.functional ? new r({ data: T(t) ? t : [].concat(n) }) : t ? Ne(t).map(o)[0] : o(t); function o(t) { var e = Zi.getComponent(t, s); if (e) { if (!i) return e; e.$destroy() } return new r({ el: t, data: i }) } }; var i = T(t) ? G({}, t) : t.options; return i.name = s, i.install && i.install(Zi, i, s), Zi._initialized && !i.functional && xi.read(function() { return Zi[s]("[uk-" + e + "],[data-uk-" + e + "]") }), tn[s] = T(t) ? i : t }, Zi.getComponents = function(t) { return t && t[Qi] || {} }, Zi.getComponent = function(t, e) { return Zi.getComponents(t)[e] }, Zi.connect = function(t) { if (t[Qi]) for (var e in t[Qi]) t[Qi][e]._callConnected(); for (var i = 0; i < t.attributes.length; i++) { var n = Ri(t.attributes[i].name); n && n in tn && Zi[n](t) } }, Zi.disconnect = function(t) { for (var e in t[Qi]) t[Qi][e]._callDisconnected() }, function(n) { var r = n.data; n.prototype.$create = function(t, e, i) { return n[t](e, i) }, n.prototype.$mount = function(t) { var e = this.$options.name; t[r] || (t[r] = {}), t[r][e] || ((t[r][e] = this).$el = this.$options.el = this.$options.el || t, qt(t, document) && this._callConnected()) }, n.prototype.$reset = function() { this._callDisconnected(), this._callConnected() }, n.prototype.$destroy = function(t) { void 0 === t && (t = !1); var e = this.$options, i = e.el, n = e.name; i && this._callDisconnected(), this._callHook("destroy"), i && i[r] && (delete i[r][n], O(i[r]) || delete i[r], t && $e(this.$el)) }, n.prototype.$emit = function(t) { this._callUpdate(t) }, n.prototype.$update = function(t, e) { void 0 === t && (t = this.$el), n.update(t, e) }, n.prototype.$getComponent = n.getComponent; var e = {}; Object.defineProperties(n.prototype, { $container: Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(n, "container"), $name: { get: function() { var t = this.$options.name; return e[t] || (e[t] = n.prefix + d(t)), e[t] } } }) }(qi); var sn = { connected: function() { He(this.$el, this.$name) || De(this.$el, this.$name) } }, an = { props: { cls: Boolean, animation: "list", duration: Number, origin: String, transition: String }, data: { cls: !1, animation: [!1], duration: 200, origin: !1, transition: "linear", initProps: { overflow: "", height: "", paddingTop: "", paddingBottom: "", marginTop: "", marginBottom: "" }, hideProps: { overflow: "hidden", height: 0, paddingTop: 0, paddingBottom: 0, marginTop: 0, marginBottom: 0 } }, computed: { hasAnimation: function(t) { return !!t.animation[0] }, hasTransition: function(t) { var e = t.animation; return this.hasAnimation && !0 === e[0] } }, methods: { toggleElement: function(t, i, n) { var r = this; return ae.all(V(t).map(function(e) { return new ae(function(t) { return r._toggleElement(e, i, n).then(t, et) }) })) }, isToggled: function(t) { var e = V(t || this.$el); return this.cls ? He(e, this.cls.split(" ")[0]) : !st(e, "hidden") }, updateAria: function(t) { !1 === this.cls && ot(t, "aria-hidden", !this.isToggled(t)) }, _toggleElement: function(t, e, i) { var n = this; if (e = z(e) ? e : ni.inProgress(t) ? He(t, "uk-animation-leave") : Qe.inProgress(t) ? "0px" === t.style.height : !this.isToggled(t), !Jt(t, "before" + (e ? "show" : "hide"), [this])) return ae.reject(); var o, r = ($(i) ? i : !1 !== i && this.hasAnimation ? this.hasTransition ? hn(this) : (o = this, function(t, e) { ni.cancel(t); var i = o.animation, n = o.duration, r = o._toggle; return e ? (r(t, !0), ni.in(t, i[0], n, o.origin)) : ni.out(t, i[1] || i[0], n, o.origin).then(function() { return r(t, !1) }) }) : this._toggle)(t, e); Jt(t, e ? "show" : "hide", [this]); return (r || ae.resolve()).then(function() { Jt(t, e ? "shown" : "hidden", [n]), n.$update(t) }) }, _toggle: function(t, e) { var i; t && (e = Boolean(e), this.cls ? (i = b(this.cls, " ") || e !== He(t, this.cls)) && Le(t, this.cls, b(this.cls, " ") ? void 0 : e) : (i = e === st(t, "hidden")) && ot(t, "hidden", e ? null : ""), Ne("[autofocus]", t).some(function(t) { return jt(t) ? t.focus() || !0 : t.blur() }), this.updateAria(t), i && (Jt(t, "toggled", [this]), this.$update(t))) } } }; function hn(t) { var s = t.isToggled, a = t.duration, h = t.initProps, u = t.hideProps, c = t.transition, l = t._toggle; return function(t, e) { var i = Qe.inProgress(t), n = t.hasChildNodes ? j(Re(t.firstElementChild, "marginTop")) + j(Re(t.lastElementChild, "marginBottom")) : 0, r = jt(t) ? ci(t) + (i ? 0 : n) : 0; Qe.cancel(t), s(t) || l(t, !0), ci(t, ""), xi.flush(); var o = ci(t) + (i ? 0 : n); return ci(t, r), (e ? Qe.start(t, G({}, h, { overflow: "hidden", height: o }), Math.round(a * (1 - r / o)), c) : Qe.start(t, u, Math.round(a * (r / o)), c).then(function() { return l(t, !1) })).then(function() { return Re(t, h) }) } } var un = { mixins: [sn, an], props: { targets: String, active: null, collapsible: Boolean, multiple: Boolean, toggle: String, content: String, transition: String, offset: Number }, data: { targets: "> *", active: !1, animation: [!0], collapsible: !0, multiple: !1, clsOpen: "uk-open", toggle: "> .uk-accordion-title", content: "> .uk-accordion-content", transition: "ease", offset: 0 }, computed: { items: { get: function(t, e) { return Ne(t.targets, e) }, watch: function(t, e) { var i, n = this; t.forEach(function(t) { return cn(Me(n.content, t), !He(t, n.clsOpen)) }), e || He(t, this.clsOpen) || (i = !1 !== this.active && t[Number(this.active)] || !this.collapsible && t[0]) && this.toggle(i, !1) }, immediate: !0 } }, events: [{ name: "click", delegate: function() { return this.targets + " " + this.$props.toggle }, handler: function(t) { t.preventDefault(), this.toggle(me(Ne(this.targets + " " + this.$props.toggle, this.$el), t.current)) } }], methods: { toggle: function(t, r) { var o = this, e = [this.items[ge(t, this.items)]], i = Rt(this.items, "." + this.clsOpen); this.multiple || b(i, e[0]) || (e = e.concat(i)), (this.collapsible || Rt(e, ":not(." + this.clsOpen + ")").length) && e.forEach(function(t) { return o.toggleElement(t, !He(t, o.clsOpen), function(e, i) { Le(e, o.clsOpen, i); var n = Me((e._wrapper ? "> * " : "") + o.content, e); if (!1 !== r && o.hasTransition) return e._wrapper || (e._wrapper = Ie(n, "")), cn(n, !1), hn(o)(e._wrapper, i).then(function() { var t; cn(n, !i), delete e._wrapper, Te(n), i && (Bi(t = Me(o.$props.toggle, e)) || Oi(t, { offset: o.offset })) }); cn(n, !i) }) }) } } }; function cn(t, e) { ot(t, "hidden", e ? "" : null) } var ln = { mixins: [sn, an], args: "animation", props: { close: String }, data: { animation: [!0], selClose: ".uk-alert-close", duration: 150, hideProps: G({ opacity: 0 }, an.data.hideProps) }, events: [{ name: "click", delegate: function() { return this.selClose }, handler: function(t) { t.preventDefault(), this.close() } }], methods: { close: function() { var t = this; this.toggleElement(this.$el).then(function() { return t.$destroy(!0) }) } } }, dn = { args: "autoplay", props: { automute: Boolean, autoplay: Boolean }, data: { automute: !1, autoplay: !0 }, computed: { inView: function(t) { return "inview" === t.autoplay } }, connected: function() { this.inView && !st(this.$el, "preload") && (this.$el.preload = "none"), this.player = new Ni(this.$el), this.automute && this.player.mute() }, update: { read: function() { return !!this.player && { visible: jt(this.$el) && "hidden" !== Re(this.$el, "visibility"), inView: this.inView && Bi(this.$el) } }, write: function(t) { var e = t.visible, i = t.inView; !e || this.inView && !i ? this.player.pause() : (!0 === this.autoplay || this.inView && i) && this.player.play() }, events: ["resize", "scroll"] } }, fn = { mixins: [sn, dn], props: { width: Number, height: Number }, data: { automute: !0 }, update: { read: function() { var t = this.$el, e = function(t) { for (; t = Pt(t);) if ("static" !== Re(t, "position")) return t }(t) || t.parentNode, i = e.offsetHeight, n = e.offsetWidth, r = rt.cover({ width: this.width || t.naturalWidth || t.videoWidth || t.clientWidth, height: this.height || t.naturalHeight || t.videoHeight || t.clientHeight }, { width: n + (n % 2 ? 1 : 0), height: i + (i % 2 ? 1 : 0) }); return !(!r.width || !r.height) && r }, write: function(t) { var e = t.height, i = t.width; Re(this.$el, { height: e, width: i }) }, events: ["resize"] } }; var pn, mn = { props: { pos: String, offset: null, flip: Boolean, clsPos: String }, data: { pos: "bottom-" + (lt ? "right" : "left"), flip: !0, offset: !1, clsPos: "" }, computed: { pos: function(t) { var e = t.pos; return (e + (b(e, "-") ? "" : "-center")).split("-") }, dir: function() { return this.pos[0] }, align: function() { return this.pos[1] } }, methods: { positionAt: function(t, e, i) { var n; Pe(t, this.clsPos + "-(top|bottom|left|right)(-[a-z]+)?"); var r = this.offset, o = this.getAxis(); P(r) || (r = (n = Me(r)) ? si(n)["x" === o ? "left" : "top"] - si(e)["x" === o ? "right" : "bottom"] : 0); var s = oi(t, e, "x" === o ? vi(this.dir) + " " + this.align : this.align + " " + vi(this.dir), "x" === o ? this.dir + " " + this.align : this.align + " " + this.dir, "x" === o ? "" + ("left" === this.dir ? -r : r) : " " + ("top" === this.dir ? -r : r), null, this.flip, i).target, a = s.x, h = s.y; this.dir = "x" === o ? a : h, this.align = "x" === o ? h : a, Le(t, this.clsPos + "-" + this.dir + "-" + this.align, !1 === this.offset) }, getAxis: function() { return "top" === this.dir || "bottom" === this.dir ? "y" : "x" } } }, gn = { mixins: [mn, an], args: "pos", props: { mode: "list", toggle: Boolean, boundary: Boolean, boundaryAlign: Boolean, delayShow: Number, delayHide: Number, clsDrop: String }, data: { mode: ["click", "hover"], toggle: "- *", boundary: ut && window, boundaryAlign: !1, delayShow: 0, delayHide: 800, clsDrop: !1, animation: ["uk-animation-fade"], cls: "uk-open" }, computed: { boundary: function(t, e) { return yt(t.boundary, e) }, clsDrop: function(t) { return t.clsDrop || "uk-" + this.$options.name }, clsPos: function() { return this.clsDrop } }, created: function() { this.tracker = new Ti }, connected: function() { De(this.$el, this.clsDrop); var t = this.$props.toggle; this.toggle = t && this.$create("toggle", yt(t, this.$el), { target: this.$el, mode: this.mode }), this.toggle || Jt(this.$el, "updatearia") }, disconnected: function() { this.isActive() && (pn = null) }, events: [{ name: "click", delegate: function() { return "." + this.clsDrop + "-close" }, handler: function(t) { t.preventDefault(), this.hide(!1) } }, { name: "click", delegate: function() { return 'a[href^="#"]' }, handler: function(t) { var e = t.defaultPrevented, i = t.current.hash; e || !i || qt(i, this.$el) || this.hide(!1) } }, { name: "beforescroll", handler: function() { this.hide(!1) } }, { name: "toggle", self: !0, handler: function(t, e) { t.preventDefault(), this.isToggled() ? this.hide(!1) : this.show(e, !1) } }, { name: "toggleshow", self: !0, handler: function(t, e) { t.preventDefault(), this.show(e) } }, { name: "togglehide", self: !0, handler: function(t) { t.preventDefault(), this.hide() } }, { name: wt, filter: function() { return b(this.mode, "hover") }, handler: function(t) { re(t) || this.clearTimers() } }, { name: bt, filter: function() { return b(this.mode, "hover") }, handler: function(t) { re(t) || this.hide() } }, { name: "toggled", self: !0, handler: function() { this.isToggled() && (this.clearTimers(), this.position()) } }, { name: "show", self: !0, handler: function() { var o = this; (pn = this).tracker.init(), Jt(this.$el, "updatearia"), Kt(this.$el, "hide", Xt(document, mt, function(t) { var r = t.target; return !qt(r, o.$el) && Kt(document, vt + " " + xt + " scroll", function(t) { var e = t.defaultPrevented, i = t.type, n = t.target; e || i !== vt || r !== n || o.toggle && qt(r, o.toggle.$el) || o.hide(!1) }, !0) }), { self: !0 }), Kt(this.$el, "hide", Xt(document, "keydown", function(t) { 27 === t.keyCode && (t.preventDefault(), o.hide(!1)) }), { self: !0 }) } }, { name: "beforehide", self: !0, handler: function() { this.clearTimers() } }, { name: "hide", handler: function(t) { var e = t.target; this.$el === e ? (pn = this.isActive() ? null : pn, Jt(this.$el, "updatearia"), this.tracker.cancel()) : pn = null === pn && qt(e, this.$el) && this.isToggled() ? this : pn } }, { name: "updatearia", self: !0, handler: function(t, e) { t.preventDefault(), this.updateAria(this.$el), (e || this.toggle) && (ot((e || this.toggle).$el, "aria-expanded", this.isToggled()), Le(this.toggle.$el, this.cls, this.isToggled())) } }], update: { write: function() { this.isToggled() && !ni.inProgress(this.$el) && this.position() }, events: ["resize"] }, methods: { show: function(t, e) { var i, n = this; if (void 0 === t && (t = this.toggle), void 0 === e && (e = !0), this.isToggled() && t && this.toggle && t.$el !== this.toggle.$el && this.hide(!1), this.toggle = t, this.clearTimers(), !this.isActive()) { if (pn) { if (e && pn.isDelaying) return void(this.showTimer = setTimeout(this.show, 10)); for (; pn && i !== pn && !qt(this.$el, pn.$el);)(i = pn).hide(!1) } this.showTimer = setTimeout(function() { return !n.isToggled() && n.toggleElement(n.$el, !0) }, e && this.delayShow || 0) } }, hide: function(t) { var e = this; void 0 === t && (t = !0); function i() { return e.toggleElement(e.$el, !1, !1) } var n, r; this.clearTimers(), this.isDelaying = (n = this.$el, r = [], Ae(n, function(t) { return "static" !== Re(t, "position") && r.push(t) }), r.some(function(t) { return e.tracker.movesTo(t) })), t && this.isDelaying ? this.hideTimer = setTimeout(this.hide, 50) : t && this.delayHide ? this.hideTimer = setTimeout(i, this.delayHide) : i() }, clearTimers: function() { clearTimeout(this.showTimer), clearTimeout(this.hideTimer), this.showTimer = null, this.hideTimer = null, this.isDelaying = !1 }, isActive: function() { return pn === this }, position: function() { Be(this.$el, this.clsDrop + "-stack"), Le(this.$el, this.clsDrop + "-boundary", this.boundaryAlign); var t, e = si(this.boundary), i = this.boundaryAlign ? e : si(this.toggle.$el); "justify" === this.align ? (t = "y" === this.getAxis() ? "width" : "height", Re(this.$el, t, i[t])) : this.$el.offsetWidth > Math.max(e.right - i.left, i.right - e.left) && De(this.$el, this.clsDrop + "-stack"), this.positionAt(this.$el, this.boundaryAlign ? this.boundary : this.toggle.$el, this.boundary) } } }; var vn = { mixins: [sn], args: "target", props: { target: Boolean }, data: { target: !1 }, computed: { input: function(t, e) { return Me(Wt, e) }, state: function() { return this.input.nextElementSibling }, target: function(t, e) { var i = t.target; return i && (!0 === i && this.input.parentNode === e && this.input.nextElementSibling || yt(i, e)) } }, update: function() { var t, e, i, n = this.target, r = this.input; !n || n[e = Vt(n) ? "value" : "textContent"] !== (i = r.files && r.files[0] ? r.files[0].name : zt(r, "select") && (t = Ne("option", r).filter(function(t) { return t.selected })[0]) ? t.textContent : r.value) && (n[e] = i) }, events: [{ name: "change", handler: function() { this.$update() } }, { name: "reset", el: function() { return Bt(this.$el, "form") }, handler: function() { this.$update() } }] }, wn = { update: { read: function(t) { var e = Bi(this.$el); if (!e || t.isInView === e) return !1; t.isInView = e }, write: function() { this.$el.src = "" + this.$el.src }, events: ["scroll", "resize"] } }, bn = { props: { margin: String, firstColumn: Boolean }, data: { margin: "uk-margin-small-top", firstColumn: "uk-first-column" }, update: { read: function() { return { columns: (t = this.$el.children, e = yn(t, "left", "right"), lt ? e.reverse() : e), rows: xn(this.$el.children) }; var t, e }, write: function(t) { var i = this, n = t.columns; t.rows.forEach(function(t, e) { return t.forEach(function(t) { Le(t, i.margin, 0 !== e), Le(t, i.firstColumn, b(n[0], t)) }) }) }, events: ["resize"] } }; function xn(t) { return yn(t, "top", "bottom") } function yn(t, e, i) { for (var n = [ [] ], r = 0; r < t.length; r++) { var o = t[r]; if (jt(o)) for (var s = kn(o), a = n.length - 1; 0 <= a; a--) { var h = n[a]; if (!h[0]) { h.push(o); break } var u = void 0, u = h[0].offsetParent === o.offsetParent ? kn(h[0]) : (s = kn(o, !0), kn(h[0], !0)); if (s[e] >= u[i] - 1 && s[e] !== u[e]) { n.push([o]); break } if (s[i] - 1 > u[e] || s[e] === u[e]) { h.push(o); break } if (0 === a) { n.unshift([o]); break } } } return n } function kn(t, e) { var i; void 0 === e && (e = !1); var n = t.offsetTop, r = t.offsetLeft, o = t.offsetHeight, s = t.offsetWidth; return e && (n = (i = ui(t))[0], r = i[1]), { top: n, left: r, bottom: n + o, right: r + s } } var $n = { extends: bn, mixins: [sn], name: "grid", props: { masonry: Boolean, parallax: Number }, data: { margin: "uk-grid-margin", clsStack: "uk-grid-stack", masonry: !1, parallax: 0 }, connected: function() { this.masonry && De(this.$el, "uk-flex-top uk-flex-wrap-top") }, update: [{ write: function(t) { var e = t.columns; Le(this.$el, this.clsStack, e.length < 2) }, events: ["resize"] }, { read: function(t) { var e = t.columns, i = t.rows, n = Yt(this.$el); if (!n.length || !this.masonry && !this.parallax) return !1; var r, o, s, a, h, u = n.some(Qe.inProgress), c = !1, l = e.map(function(t) { return t.reduce(function(t, e) { return t + e.offsetHeight }, 0) }), d = (r = n, o = this.margin, j((s = r.filter(function(t) { return He(t, o) })[0]) ? Re(s, "marginTop") : Re(r[0], "paddingLeft")) * (i.length - 1)), f = Math.max.apply(Math, l) + d; this.masonry && (e = e.map(function(t) { return Z(t, "offsetTop") }), a = e, h = i.map(function(t) { return Math.max.apply(Math, t.map(function(t) { return t.offsetHeight })) }), c = a.map(function(i) { var n = 0; return i.map(function(t, e) { return n += e ? h[e - 1] - i[e - 1].offsetHeight : 0 }) })); var p = Math.abs(this.parallax); return { padding: p = p && l.reduce(function(t, e, i) { return Math.max(t, e + d + (i % 2 ? p : p / 8) - f) }, 0), columns: e, translates: c, height: !u && (this.masonry ? f : "") } }, write: function(t) { var e = t.height, i = t.padding; Re(this.$el, "paddingBottom", i || ""), !1 !== e && Re(this.$el, "height", e) }, events: ["resize"] }, { read: function(t) { var e = t.height; return { scrolled: !!this.parallax && Hi(this.$el, e ? e - ci(this.$el) : 0) * Math.abs(this.parallax) } }, write: function(t) { var e = t.columns, n = t.scrolled, r = t.translates; !1 === n && !r || e.forEach(function(t, i) { return t.forEach(function(t, e) { return Re(t, "transform", n || r ? "translateY(" + ((r && -r[i][e]) + (n ? i % 2 ? n : n / 8 : 0)) + "px)" : "") }) }) }, events: ["scroll", "resize"] }] }; var In = ct ? { props: { selMinHeight: String }, data: { selMinHeight: !1, forceHeight: !1 }, computed: { elements: function(t, e) { var i = t.selMinHeight; return i ? Ne(i, e) : [e] } }, update: [{ read: function() { Re(this.elements, "height", "") }, order: -5, events: ["resize"] }, { write: function() { var i = this; this.elements.forEach(function(t) { var e = j(Re(t, "minHeight")); e && (i.forceHeight || Math.round(e + fi(t, "height", "content-box")) >= t.offsetHeight) && Re(t, "height", e) }) }, order: 5, events: ["resize"] }] } : {}, Sn = { mixins: [In], args: "target", props: { target: String, row: Boolean }, data: { target: "> *", row: !0, forceHeight: !0 }, computed: { elements: function(t, e) { return Ne(t.target, e) } }, update: { read: function() { return { rows: (this.row ? xn(this.elements) : [this.elements]).map(Tn) } }, write: function(t) { t.rows.forEach(function(t) { var i = t.heights; return t.elements.forEach(function(t, e) { return Re(t, "minHeight", i[e]) }) }) }, events: ["resize"] } }; function Tn(t) { var e; if (t.length < 2) return { heights: [""], elements: t }; var i = En(t), n = i.heights, r = i.max, o = t.some(function(t) { return t.style.minHeight }), s = t.some(function(t, e) { return !t.style.minHeight && n[e] < r }); return o && s && (Re(t, "minHeight", ""), e = En(t), n = e.heights, r = e.max), { heights: n = t.map(function(t, e) { return n[e] === r && j(t.style.minHeight).toFixed(2) !== r.toFixed(2) ? "" : r }), elements: t } } function En(t) { var e = t.map(function(t) { return si(t).height - fi(t, "height", "content-box") }); return { heights: e, max: Math.max.apply(null, e) } } var _n = { mixins: [In], props: { expand: Boolean, offsetTop: Boolean, offsetBottom: Boolean, minHeight: Number }, data: { expand: !1, offsetTop: !1, offsetBottom: !1, minHeight: 0 }, update: { read: function(t) { var e = t.minHeight; if (!jt(this.$el)) return !1; var i = "", n = fi(this.$el, "height", "content-box"); if (this.expand) { if (this.$el.dataset.heightExpand = "", Me("[data-height-expand]") !== this.$el) return !1; i = ci(window) - (Cn(document.documentElement) - Cn(this.$el)) - n || "" } else { var r, i = "calc(100vh"; this.offsetTop && (i += 0 < (r = si(this.$el).top) && r < ci(window) / 2 ? " - " + r + "px" : ""), !0 === this.offsetBottom ? i += " - " + Cn(this.$el.nextElementSibling) + "px" : P(this.offsetBottom) ? i += " - " + this.offsetBottom + "vh" : this.offsetBottom && u(this.offsetBottom, "px") ? i += " - " + j(this.offsetBottom) + "px" : D(this.offsetBottom) && (i += " - " + Cn(yt(this.offsetBottom, this.$el)) + "px"), i += (n ? " - " + n + "px" : "") + ")" } return { minHeight: i, prev: e } }, write: function(t) { var e = t.minHeight, i = t.prev; Re(this.$el, { minHeight: e }), e !== i && this.$update(this.$el, "resize"), this.minHeight && j(Re(this.$el, "minHeight")) < this.minHeight && Re(this.$el, "minHeight", this.minHeight) }, events: ["resize"] } }; function Cn(t) { return t && si(t).height || 0 } var An = { args: "src", props: { id: Boolean, icon: String, src: String, style: String, width: Number, height: Number, ratio: Number, class: String, strokeAnimation: Boolean, focusable: Boolean, attributes: "list" }, data: { ratio: 1, include: ["style", "class", "focusable"], class: "", strokeAnimation: !1 }, beforeConnect: function() { this.class += " uk-svg" }, connected: function() { var t, e = this; !this.icon && b(this.src, "#") && (t = this.src.split("#"), this.src = t[0], this.icon = t[1]), this.svg = this.getSvg().then(function(t) { return e.applyAttributes(t), e.svgEl = function(t, e) { if (Ft(e) || "CANVAS" === e.tagName) { ot(e, "hidden", !0); var i = e.nextElementSibling; return Bn(t, i) ? i : ye(e, t) } var n = e.lastElementChild; return Bn(t, n) ? n : be(e, t) }(t, e.$el) }, et) }, disconnected: function() { var e = this; Ft(this.$el) && ot(this.$el, "hidden", null), this.svg && this.svg.then(function(t) { return (!e._connected || t !== e.svgEl) && $e(t) }, et), this.svg = this.svgEl = null }, update: { read: function() { return !!(this.strokeAnimation && this.svgEl && jt(this.svgEl)) }, write: function() { var t, e; t = this.svgEl, (e = Dn(t)) && t.style.setProperty("--uk-animation-stroke", e) }, type: ["resize"] }, methods: { getSvg: function() { var e = this; return function(i) { if (Mn[i]) return Mn[i]; return Mn[i] = new ae(function(e, t) { i ? w(i, "data:") ? e(decodeURIComponent(i.split(",")[1])) : de(i).then(function(t) { return e(t.response) }, function() { return t("SVG not found.") }) : t() }) }(this.src).then(function(t) { return function(t, e) { e && b(t, "" } return zn[t][e] }(t, e) || t); return (t = Me(t.substr(t.indexOf("/g, zn = {}; function Dn(t) { return Math.ceil(Math.max.apply(Math, [0].concat(Ne("[stroke]", t).map(function(t) { try { return t.getTotalLength() } catch (t) { return 0 } })))) } function Bn(t, e) { return ot(t, "data-svg") === ot(e, "data-svg") } var Pn = { spinner: '', totop: '', marker: '', "close-icon": '', "close-large": '', "navbar-toggle-icon": '', "overlay-icon": '', "pagination-next": '', "pagination-previous": '', "search-icon": '', "search-large": '', "search-navbar": '', "slidenav-next": '', "slidenav-next-large": '', "slidenav-previous": '', "slidenav-previous-large": '' }, On = { install: function(r) { r.icon.add = function(t, e) { var i, n = D(t) ? ((i = {})[t] = e, i) : t; J(n, function(t, e) { Pn[e] = t, delete Vn[e] }), r._initialized && Ae(document.body, function(t) { return J(r.getComponents(t), function(t) { t.$options.isIcon && t.icon in n && t.$reset() }) }) } }, extends: An, args: "icon", props: ["icon"], data: { include: ["focusable"] }, isIcon: !0, beforeConnect: function() { De(this.$el, "uk-icon") }, methods: { getSvg: function() { var t = function(t) { if (!Pn[t]) return null; Vn[t] || (Vn[t] = Me((Pn[function(t) { return lt ? X(X(t, "left", "right"), "previous", "next") : t }(t)] || Pn[t]).trim())); return Vn[t].cloneNode(!0) }(this.icon); return t ? ae.resolve(t) : ae.reject("Icon not found.") } } }, Hn = { args: !1, extends: On, data: function(t) { return { icon: d(t.constructor.options.name) } }, beforeConnect: function() { De(this.$el, this.$name) } }, Ln = { extends: Hn, beforeConnect: function() { De(this.$el, "uk-slidenav") }, computed: { icon: function(t, e) { var i = t.icon; return He(e, "uk-slidenav-large") ? i + "-large" : i } } }, Fn = { extends: Hn, computed: { icon: function(t, e) { var i = t.icon; return He(e, "uk-search-icon") && Ut(e, ".uk-search-large").length ? "search-large" : Ut(e, ".uk-search-navbar").length ? "search-navbar" : i } } }, jn = { extends: Hn, computed: { icon: function() { return "close-" + (He(this.$el, "uk-close-large") ? "large" : "icon") } } }, Wn = { extends: Hn, connected: function() { var e = this; this.svg.then(function(t) { return 1 !== e.ratio && Re(Me("circle", t), "strokeWidth", 1 / e.ratio) }, et) } }, Vn = {}; var Rn = { args: "dataSrc", props: { dataSrc: String, dataSrcset: Boolean, sizes: String, width: Number, height: Number, offsetTop: String, offsetLeft: String, target: String }, data: { dataSrc: "", dataSrcset: !1, sizes: !1, width: !1, height: !1, offsetTop: "50vh", offsetLeft: 0, target: !1 }, computed: { cacheKey: function(t) { var e = t.dataSrc; return this.$name + "." + e }, width: function(t) { var e = t.width, i = t.dataWidth; return e || i }, height: function(t) { var e = t.height, i = t.dataHeight; return e || i }, sizes: function(t) { var e = t.sizes, i = t.dataSizes; return e || i }, isImg: function(t, e) { return Jn(e) }, target: { get: function(t) { var e = t.target; return [this.$el].concat(kt(e, this.$el)) }, watch: function() { this.observe() } }, offsetTop: function(t) { return wi(t.offsetTop, "height") }, offsetLeft: function(t) { return wi(t.offsetLeft, "width") } }, connected: function() { Qn[this.cacheKey] ? qn(this.$el, Qn[this.cacheKey] || this.dataSrc, this.dataSrcset, this.sizes) : this.isImg && this.width && this.height && qn(this.$el, function(t, e, i) { var n; i && (n = rt.ratio({ width: t, height: e }, "width", wi(Yn(i))), t = n.width, e = n.height); return 'data:image/svg+xml;utf8,' }(this.width, this.height, this.sizes)), this.observer = new Vi(this.load, { rootMargin: this.offsetTop + "px " + this.offsetLeft + "px" }), requestAnimationFrame(this.observe) }, disconnected: function() { this.observer.disconnect() }, update: { read: function(t) { var e = this, i = t.image; if (i || "complete" !== document.readyState || this.load(this.observer.takeRecords()), this.isImg) return !1; i && i.then(function(t) { return t && "" !== t.currentSrc && qn(e.$el, Zn(t)) }) }, write: function(t) { var e, i, n, r, o; this.dataSrcset && 1 !== window.devicePixelRatio && (!(e = Re(this.$el, "backgroundSize")).match(/^(auto\s?)+$/) && j(e) !== t.bgSize || (t.bgSize = (i = this.dataSrcset, n = this.sizes, r = wi(Yn(n)), (o = (i.match(Kn) || []).map(j).sort(function(t, e) { return t - e })).filter(function(t) { return r <= t })[0] || o.pop() || ""), Re(this.$el, "backgroundSize", t.bgSize + "px"))) }, events: ["resize"] }, methods: { load: function(t) { var e = this; t.some(function(t) { return H(t.isIntersecting) || t.isIntersecting }) && (this._data.image = fe(this.dataSrc, this.dataSrcset, this.sizes).then(function(t) { return qn(e.$el, Zn(t), t.srcset, t.sizes), Qn[e.cacheKey] = Zn(t), t }, et), this.observer.disconnect()) }, observe: function() { var e = this; this._connected && !this._data.image && this.target.forEach(function(t) { return e.observer.observe(t) }) } } }; function qn(t, e, i, n) { Jn(t) ? (n && (t.sizes = n), i && (t.srcset = i), e && (t.src = e)) : e && !b(t.style.backgroundImage, e) && (Re(t, "backgroundImage", "url(" + Ht(e) + ")"), Jt(t, Zt("load", !1))) } var Un = /\s*(.*?)\s*(\w+|calc\(.*?\))\s*(?:,|$)/g; function Yn(t) { var e, i; for (Un.lastIndex = 0; e = Un.exec(t);) if (!e[1] || window.matchMedia(e[1]).matches) { e = w(i = e[2], "calc") ? i.substring(5, i.length - 1).replace(Xn, function(t) { return wi(t) }).replace(/ /g, "").match(Gn).reduce(function(t, e) { return t + +e }, 0) : i; break } return e || "100vw" } var Xn = /\d+(?:\w+|%)/g, Gn = /[+-]?(\d+)/g; var Kn = /\s+\d+w\s*(?:,|$)/g; function Jn(t) { return "IMG" === t.tagName } function Zn(t) { return t.currentSrc || t.src } var Qn, tr = "__test__"; try { (Qn = window.sessionStorage || {})[tr] = 1, delete Qn[tr] } catch (t) { Qn = {} } var er = { props: { media: Boolean }, data: { media: !1 }, computed: { matchMedia: function() { var t = function(t) { if (D(t)) { if ("@" === t[0]) t = j(Xe("breakpoint-" + t.substr(1))); else if (isNaN(t)) return t } return !(!t || isNaN(t)) && "(min-width: " + t + "px)" }(this.media); return !t || window.matchMedia(t).matches } } }; var ir = { mixins: [sn, er], props: { fill: String }, data: { fill: "", clsWrapper: "uk-leader-fill", clsHide: "uk-leader-hide", attrFill: "data-fill" }, computed: { fill: function(t) { return t.fill || Xe("leader-fill-content") } }, connected: function() { var t = Se(this.$el, ''); this.wrapper = t[0] }, disconnected: function() { Te(this.wrapper.childNodes) }, update: { read: function(t) { var e = t.changed, i = t.width, n = i; return { width: i = Math.floor(this.$el.offsetWidth / 2), fill: this.fill, changed: e || n !== i, hide: !this.matchMedia } }, write: function(t) { Le(this.wrapper, this.clsHide, t.hide), t.changed && (t.changed = !1, ot(this.wrapper, this.attrFill, new Array(t.width).join(t.fill))) }, events: ["resize"] } }, nr = { props: { container: Boolean }, data: { container: !0 }, computed: { container: function(t) { var e = t.container; return !0 === e && this.$container || e && Me(e) } } }, rr = [], or = { mixins: [sn, nr, an], props: { selPanel: String, selClose: String, escClose: Boolean, bgClose: Boolean, stack: Boolean }, data: { cls: "uk-open", escClose: !0, bgClose: !0, overlay: !0, stack: !1 }, computed: { panel: function(t, e) { return Me(t.selPanel, e) }, transitionElement: function() { return this.panel }, bgClose: function(t) { return t.bgClose && this.panel } }, beforeDisconnect: function() { this.isToggled() && this.toggleElement(this.$el, !1, !1) }, events: [{ name: "click", delegate: function() { return this.selClose }, handler: function(t) { t.preventDefault(), this.hide() } }, { name: "toggle", self: !0, handler: function(t) { t.defaultPrevented || (t.preventDefault(), this.isToggled() === b(rr, this) && this.toggle()) } }, { name: "beforeshow", self: !0, handler: function(t) { if (b(rr, this)) return !1; !this.stack && rr.length ? (ae.all(rr.map(function(t) { return t.hide() })).then(this.show), t.preventDefault()) : rr.push(this) } }, { name: "show", self: !0, handler: function() { var o = this; li(window) - li(document) && this.overlay && Re(document.body, "overflowY", "scroll"), this.stack && Re(this.$el, "zIndex", Re(this.$el, "zIndex") + rr.length), De(document.documentElement, this.clsPage), this.bgClose && Kt(this.$el, "hide", Xt(document, mt, function(t) { var r = t.target; K(rr) !== o || o.overlay && !qt(r, o.$el) || qt(r, o.panel) || Kt(document, vt + " " + xt + " scroll", function(t) { var e = t.defaultPrevented, i = t.type, n = t.target; e || i !== vt || r !== n || o.hide() }, !0) }), { self: !0 }), this.escClose && Kt(this.$el, "hide", Xt(document, "keydown", function(t) { 27 === t.keyCode && K(rr) === o && (t.preventDefault(), o.hide()) }), { self: !0 }) } }, { name: "hidden", self: !0, handler: function() { var e = this; rr.splice(rr.indexOf(this), 1), rr.length || Re(document.body, "overflowY", ""), Re(this.$el, "zIndex", ""), rr.some(function(t) { return t.clsPage === e.clsPage }) || Be(document.documentElement, this.clsPage) } }], methods: { toggle: function() { return this.isToggled() ? this.hide() : this.show() }, show: function() { var e = this; return this.container && this.$el.parentNode !== this.container ? (be(this.container, this.$el), new ae(function(t) { return requestAnimationFrame(function() { return e.show().then(t) }) })) : this.toggleElement(this.$el, !0, sr(this)) }, hide: function() { return this.toggleElement(this.$el, !1, sr(this)) } } }; function sr(t) { var s = t.transitionElement, a = t._toggle; return function(r, o) { return new ae(function(i, n) { return Kt(r, "show hide", function() { r._reject && r._reject(), r._reject = n, a(r, o); var t = Kt(s, "transitionstart", function() { Kt(s, "transitionend transitioncancel", i, { self: !0 }), clearTimeout(e) }, { self: !0 }), e = setTimeout(function() { t(), i() }, U(Re(s, "transitionDuration"))) }) }) } } var ar = { install: function(t) { var a = t.modal; function e(t, e, i, n) { e = G({ bgClose: !1, escClose: !0, labels: a.labels }, e); var r = a.dialog(t(e), e), o = new se, s = !1; return Xt(r.$el, "submit", "form", function(t) { t.preventDefault(), o.resolve(n && n(r)), s = !0, r.hide() }), Xt(r.$el, "hide", function() { return !s && i(o) }), o.promise.dialog = r, o.promise } a.dialog = function(t, e) { var i = a('
' + t + "
", e); return i.show(), Xt(i.$el, "hidden", function() { return ae.resolve().then(function() { return i.$destroy(!0) }) }, { self: !0 }), i }, a.alert = function(i, t) { return e(function(t) { var e = t.labels; return '
' + (D(i) ? i : we(i)) + '
" }, t, function(t) { return t.resolve() }) }, a.confirm = function(i, t) { return e(function(t) { var e = t.labels; return '
' + (D(i) ? i : we(i)) + '
" }, t, function(t) { return t.reject() }) }, a.prompt = function(i, n, t) { return e(function(t) { var e = t.labels; return '
" }, t, function(t) { return t.resolve(null) }, function(t) { return Me("input", t.$el).value }) }, a.labels = { ok: "Ok", cancel: "Cancel" } }, mixins: [or], data: { clsPage: "uk-modal-page", selPanel: ".uk-modal-dialog", selClose: ".uk-modal-close, .uk-modal-close-default, .uk-modal-close-outside, .uk-modal-close-full" }, events: [{ name: "show", self: !0, handler: function() { He(this.panel, "uk-margin-auto-vertical") ? De(this.$el, "uk-flex") : Re(this.$el, "display", "block"), ci(this.$el) } }, { name: "hidden", self: !0, handler: function() { Re(this.$el, "display", ""), Be(this.$el, "uk-flex") } }] }; var hr = { extends: un, data: { targets: "> .uk-parent", toggle: "> a", content: "> ul" } }, ur = { mixins: [sn, In], props: { dropdown: String, mode: "list", align: String, offset: Number, boundary: Boolean, boundaryAlign: Boolean, clsDrop: String, delayShow: Number, delayHide: Number, dropbar: Boolean, dropbarMode: String, dropbarAnchor: Boolean, duration: Number }, data: { dropdown: ".uk-navbar-nav > li", align: lt ? "right" : "left", clsDrop: "uk-navbar-dropdown", mode: void 0, offset: void 0, delayShow: void 0, delayHide: void 0, boundaryAlign: void 0, flip: "x", boundary: !0, dropbar: !1, dropbarMode: "slide", dropbarAnchor: !1, duration: 200, forceHeight: !0, selMinHeight: ".uk-navbar-nav > li > a, .uk-navbar-item, .uk-navbar-toggle" }, computed: { boundary: function(t, e) { var i = t.boundary, n = t.boundaryAlign; return !0 === i || n ? e : i }, dropbarAnchor: function(t, e) { return yt(t.dropbarAnchor, e) }, pos: function(t) { return "bottom-" + t.align }, dropbar: { get: function(t) { var e = t.dropbar; return e ? (e = this._dropbar || yt(e, this.$el) || Me("+ .uk-navbar-dropbar", this.$el)) || (this._dropbar = Me("
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"hidden" : ""), De(document.body, this.clsContainer, this.clsFlip), Re(document.body, "touch-action", "pan-y pinch-zoom"), Re(this.$el, "display", "block"), De(this.$el, this.clsOverlay), De(this.panel, this.clsSidebarAnimation, "reveal" !== this.mode ? this.clsMode : ""), ci(document.body), De(document.body, this.clsContainerAnimation), this.clsContainerAnimation && (lr().content += ",user-scalable=0") } }, { name: "hide", self: !0, handler: function() { Be(document.body, this.clsContainerAnimation), Re(document.body, "touch-action", "") } }, { name: "hidden", self: !0, handler: function() { var t; this.clsContainerAnimation && ((t = lr()).content = t.content.replace(/,user-scalable=0$/, "")), "reveal" === this.mode && Te(this.panel), Be(this.panel, this.clsSidebarAnimation, this.clsMode), Be(this.$el, this.clsOverlay), Re(this.$el, "display", ""), Be(document.body, this.clsContainer, this.clsFlip), Re(document.documentElement, "overflowY", "") } }, { name: "swipeLeft swipeRight", handler: function(t) { this.isToggled() && u(t.type, "Left") ^ this.flip && this.hide() } }] }; function lr() { return Me('meta[name="viewport"]', document.head) || be(document.head, '') } var dr = { mixins: [sn], props: { selContainer: String, selContent: String }, data: { selContainer: ".uk-modal", selContent: ".uk-modal-dialog" }, computed: { container: function(t, e) { return Bt(e, t.selContainer) }, content: function(t, e) { return Bt(e, t.selContent) } }, connected: function() { Re(this.$el, "minHeight", 150) }, update: { read: function() { return !(!this.content || !this.container) && { current: j(Re(this.$el, "maxHeight")), max: Math.max(150, ci(this.container) - (si(this.content).height - ci(this.$el))) } }, write: function(t) { var e = t.current, i = t.max; Re(this.$el, "maxHeight", i), Math.round(e) !== Math.round(i) && Jt(this.$el, "resize") }, events: ["resize"] } }, fr = { props: ["width", "height"], connected: function() { De(this.$el, "uk-responsive-width") }, update: { read: function() { return !!(jt(this.$el) && this.width && this.height) && { width: li(this.$el.parentNode), height: this.height } }, write: function(t) { ci(this.$el, rt.contain({ height: this.height, width: this.width }, t).height) }, events: ["resize"] } }, pr = { props: { offset: Number }, data: { offset: 0 }, methods: { scrollTo: function(t) { var e = this; t = t && Me(t) || document.body, Jt(this.$el, "beforescroll", [this, t]) && Oi(t, { offset: this.offset }).then(function() { return Jt(e.$el, "scrolled", [e, t]) }) } }, events: { click: function(t) { t.defaultPrevented || (t.preventDefault(), this.scrollTo(Ht(decodeURIComponent(this.$el.hash)).substr(1))) } } }, mr = { args: "cls", props: { cls: String, target: String, hidden: Boolean, offsetTop: Number, offsetLeft: Number, repeat: Boolean, delay: Number }, data: function() { return { cls: !1, target: !1, hidden: !0, offsetTop: 0, offsetLeft: 0, repeat: !1, delay: 0, inViewClass: "uk-scrollspy-inview" } }, computed: { elements: { get: function(t, e) { var i = t.target; return i ? Ne(i, e) : [e] }, watch: function(t) { this.hidden && Re(Rt(t, ":not(." + this.inViewClass + ")"), "visibility", "hidden") }, immediate: !0 } }, update: [{ read: function(t) { var i = this; t.update && this.elements.forEach(function(t) { var e = t._ukScrollspyState; (e = e || { cls: ht(t, "uk-scrollspy-class") || i.cls }).show = Bi(t, i.offsetTop, i.offsetLeft), t._ukScrollspyState = e }) }, write: function(n) { var r = this; if (!n.update) return this.$emit(), n.update = !0; this.elements.forEach(function(e) { function t(t) { Re(e, "visibility", !t && r.hidden ? "hidden" : ""), Le(e, r.inViewClass, t), Le(e, i.cls), Jt(e, t ? "inview" : "outview"), i.inview = t, r.$update(e) } var i = e._ukScrollspyState; !i.show || i.inview || i.queued ? !i.show && i.inview && !i.queued && r.repeat && t(!1) : (i.queued = !0, n.promise = (n.promise || ae.resolve()).then(function() { return new ae(function(t) { return setTimeout(t, r.delay) }) }).then(function() { t(!0), setTimeout(function() { i.queued = !1, r.$emit() }, 300) })) }) }, events: ["scroll", "resize"] }] }, gr = { props: { cls: String, closest: String, scroll: Boolean, overflow: Boolean, offset: Number }, data: { cls: "uk-active", closest: !1, scroll: !1, overflow: !0, offset: 0 }, computed: { links: { get: function(t, e) { return Ne('a[href^="#"]', e).filter(function(t) { return t.hash }) }, watch: function(t) { this.scroll && this.$create("scroll", t, { offset: this.offset || 0 }) }, immediate: !0 }, targets: function() { return Ne(this.links.map(function(t) { return Ht(t.hash).substr(1) }).join(",")) }, elements: function(t) { var e = t.closest; return Bt(this.links, e || "*") } }, update: [{ read: function() { var i = this, t = this.targets.length; if (!t || !jt(this.$el)) return !1; var e = K(Li(this.targets[0])), n = e.scrollTop, r = e.scrollHeight, o = Fi(e), s = r - si(o).height, a = !1; return n === s ? a = t - 1 : (this.targets.every(function(t, e) { if (hi(t, o).top - i.offset <= 0) return a = e, !0 }), !1 === a && this.overflow && (a = 0)), { active: a } }, write: function(t) { var e = t.active; this.links.forEach(function(t) { return t.blur() }), Be(this.elements, this.cls), !1 !== e && Jt(this.$el, "active", [e, De(this.elements[e], this.cls)]) }, events: ["scroll", "resize"] }] }, vr = { mixins: [sn, er], props: { top: null, bottom: Boolean, offset: String, animation: String, clsActive: String, clsInactive: String, clsFixed: String, clsBelow: String, selTarget: String, widthElement: Boolean, showOnUp: Boolean, targetOffset: Number }, data: { top: 0, bottom: !1, offset: 0, animation: "", clsActive: "uk-active", clsInactive: "", clsFixed: "uk-sticky-fixed", clsBelow: "uk-sticky-below", selTarget: "", widthElement: !1, showOnUp: !1, targetOffset: !1 }, computed: { offset: function(t) { return wi(t.offset) }, selTarget: function(t, e) { var i = t.selTarget; return i && Me(i, e) || e }, widthElement: function(t, e) { return yt(t.widthElement, e) || this.placeholder }, isActive: { get: function() { return He(this.selTarget, this.clsActive) }, set: function(t) { t && !this.isActive ? (Oe(this.selTarget, this.clsInactive, this.clsActive), Jt(this.$el, "active")) : t || He(this.selTarget, this.clsInactive) || (Oe(this.selTarget, this.clsActive, this.clsInactive), Jt(this.$el, "inactive")) } } }, connected: function() { this.placeholder = Me("+ .uk-sticky-placeholder", this.$el) || Me('
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"down" : "up", scroll: this.scroll, visible: jt(this.$el), top: ui(this.placeholder)[0] } }, write: function(t, e) { var i = this, n = t.initTimestamp; void 0 === n && (n = 0); var r = t.dir, o = t.lastDir, s = t.lastScroll, a = t.scroll, h = t.top, u = t.visible, c = performance.now(); if (!((t.lastScroll = a) < 0 || a === s || !u || this.disabled || this.showOnUp && "scroll" !== e || ((300 < c - n || r !== o) && (t.initScroll = a, t.initTimestamp = c), t.lastDir = r, this.showOnUp && !this.isFixed && Math.abs(t.initScroll - a) <= 30 && Math.abs(s - a) <= 10))) if (this.inactive || a < this.top || this.showOnUp && (a <= this.top || "down" === r || "up" === r && !this.isFixed && a <= this.bottomOffset)) { if (!this.isFixed) return void(ni.inProgress(this.$el) && a < h && (ni.cancel(this.$el), this.hide())); this.isFixed = !1, this.animation && a > this.topOffset ? (ni.cancel(this.$el), ni.out(this.$el, this.animation).then(function() { return i.hide() }, et)) : this.hide() } else this.isFixed ? this.update() : this.animation ? (ni.cancel(this.$el), this.show(), ni.in(this.$el, this.animation).catch(et)) : this.show() }, events: ["resize", "scroll"] }], methods: { show: function() { this.isFixed = !0, this.update(), ot(this.placeholder, "hidden", null) }, hide: function() { this.isActive = !1, Be(this.$el, this.clsFixed, this.clsBelow), Re(this.$el, { position: "", top: "", width: "" }), ot(this.placeholder, "hidden", "") }, update: function() { var t = 0 !== this.top || this.scroll > this.top, e = Math.max(0, this.offset); P(this.bottom) && this.scroll > this.bottom - this.offset && (e = this.bottom - this.scroll), Re(this.$el, { position: "fixed", top: e + "px", width: this.width }), this.isActive = t, Le(this.$el, this.clsBelow, this.scroll > this.bottomOffset), De(this.$el, this.clsFixed) } } }; function wr(t, e) { var i = e.$props, n = e.$el, r = e[t + "Offset"], o = i[t]; if (o) return D(o) && o.match(/^-?\d/) ? r + wi(o) : si(!0 === o ? n.parentNode : yt(o, n)).bottom } var br, xr, yr, kr = { mixins: [an], args: "connect", props: { connect: String, toggle: String, active: Number, swiping: Boolean }, data: { connect: "~.uk-switcher", toggle: "> * > :first-child", active: 0, swiping: !0, cls: "uk-active", clsContainer: "uk-switcher", attrItem: "uk-switcher-item" }, computed: { connects: { get: function(t, e) { return kt(t.connect, e) }, watch: function(t) { var e = this; t.forEach(function(t) { return e.updateAria(t.children) }), this.swiping && Re(t, "touch-action", "pan-y pinch-zoom") }, immediate: !0 }, toggles: { get: function(t, e) { return Ne(t.toggle, e).filter(function(t) { return !zt(t, ".uk-disabled *, .uk-disabled, [disabled]") }) }, watch: function(t) { var e = this.index(); this.show(~e && e || t[this.active] || t[0]) }, immediate: !0 }, children: function() { var t = this; return Yt(this.$el).filter(function(e) { return t.toggles.some(function(t) { return qt(t, e) }) }) } }, events: [{ name: "click", delegate: function() { return this.toggle }, handler: function(t) { b(this.toggles, t.current) && (t.preventDefault(), this.show(t.current)) } }, { name: "click", el: function() { return this.connects }, delegate: function() { return "[" + this.attrItem + "],[data-" + this.attrItem + "]" }, handler: function(t) { t.preventDefault(), this.show(ht(t.current, this.attrItem)) } }, { name: "swipeRight swipeLeft", filter: function() { return this.swiping }, el: function() { return this.connects }, handler: function(t) { var e = t.type; this.show(u(e, "Left") ? "next" : "previous") } }], methods: { index: function() { var e = this; return y(this.children, function(t) { return He(t, e.cls) }) }, show: function(t) { var i = this, n = this.index(), r = ge(t, this.toggles, n); this.children.forEach(function(t, e) { Le(t, i.cls, r === e), ot(i.toggles[e], "aria-expanded", r === e) }), this.connects.forEach(function(t) { var e = t.children; return i.toggleElement(V(e).filter(function(t, e) { return e !== r && i.isToggled(t) }), !1, 0 <= n).then(function() { return i.toggleElement(e[r], !0, 0 <= n) }) }) } } }, $r = { mixins: [sn], extends: kr, props: { media: Boolean }, data: { media: 960, attrItem: "uk-tab-item" }, connected: function() { var t = He(this.$el, "uk-tab-left") ? "uk-tab-left" : !!He(this.$el, "uk-tab-right") && "uk-tab-right"; t && this.$create("toggle", this.$el, { cls: t, mode: "media", media: this.media }) } }, Ir = { mixins: [er, an], args: "target", props: { href: String, target: null, mode: "list", queued: Boolean }, data: { href: !1, target: !1, mode: "click", queued: !0 }, computed: { target: { get: function(t, e) { var i = t.href, n = t.target; return (n = kt(n || i, e)).length && n || [e] }, watch: function() { Jt(this.target, "updatearia", [this]) }, immediate: !0 } }, events: [{ name: wt + " " + bt, filter: function() { return b(this.mode, "hover") }, handler: function(t) { re(t) || this.toggle("toggle" + (t.type === wt ? "show" : "hide")) } }, { name: "click", filter: function() { return b(this.mode, "click") || pt && b(this.mode, "hover") }, handler: function(t) { var e; (Bt(t.target, 'a[href="#"], a[href=""]') || (e = Bt(t.target, "a[href]")) && (this.cls && !He(this.target, this.cls.split(" ")[0]) || !jt(this.target) || e.hash && zt(this.target, e.hash))) && t.preventDefault(), this.toggle() } }], update: { read: function() { return !(!b(this.mode, "media") || !this.media) && { match: this.matchMedia } }, write: function(t) { var e = t.match, i = this.isToggled(this.target); (e ? !i : i) && this.toggle() }, events: ["resize"] }, methods: { toggle: function(t) { var e, i = this; Jt(this.target, t || "toggle", [this]) && (this.queued ? (e = this.target.filter(this.isToggled), this.toggleElement(e, !1).then(function() { return i.toggleElement(i.target.filter(function(t) { return !b(e, t) }), !0) })) : this.toggleElement(this.target)) } } }; J(Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, Accordion: un, Alert: ln, Cover: fn, Drop: gn, Dropdown: gn, FormCustom: vn, Gif: wn, Grid: $n, HeightMatch: Sn, HeightViewport: _n, Icon: On, Img: Rn, Leader: ir, Margin: bn, Modal: ar, Nav: hr, Navbar: ur, Offcanvas: cr, OverflowAuto: dr, Responsive: fr, Scroll: pr, Scrollspy: mr, ScrollspyNav: gr, Sticky: vr, Svg: An, Switcher: kr, Tab: $r, Toggle: Ir, Video: dn, Close: jn, Spinner: Wn, SlidenavNext: Ln, SlidenavPrevious: Ln, SearchIcon: Fn, Marker: Hn, NavbarToggleIcon: Hn, OverlayIcon: Hn, PaginationNext: Hn, PaginationPrevious: Hn, Totop: Hn }), function(t, e) { return qi.component(e, t) }), qi.use(function(r) { ut && pe(function() { var e; r.update(), Xt(window, "load resize", function() { return r.update(null, "resize") }), Xt(document, "loadedmetadata load", function(t) { var e = t.target; return r.update(e, "resize") }, !0), Xt(window, "scroll", function(t) { e || (e = !0, xi.write(function() { return e = !1 }), r.update(null, t.type)) }, { passive: !0, capture: !0 }); var i, n = 0; Xt(document, "animationstart", function(t) { var e = t.target; (Re(e, "animationName") || "").match(/^uk-.*(left|right)/) && (n++, Re(document.body, "overflowX", "hidden"), setTimeout(function() { --n || Re(document.body, "overflowX", "") }, U(Re(e, "animationDuration")) + 100)) }, !0), Xt(document, mt, function(t) { var s, a; i && i(), re(t) && (s = oe(t), a = "tagName" in t.target ? t.target : t.target.parentNode, i = Kt(document, vt + " " + xt, function(t) { var e = oe(t), r = e.x, o = e.y; (a && r && 100 < Math.abs(s.x - r) || o && 100 < Math.abs(s.y - o)) && setTimeout(function() { var t, e, i, n; Jt(a, "swipe"), Jt(a, "swipe" + (t = s.x, e = s.y, i = r, n = o, Math.abs(t - i) >= Math.abs(e - n) ? 0 < t - i ? "Left" : "Right" : 0 < e - n ? 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"0" + e : e, i = n[t]; i.textContent !== e && ((e = e.split("")).length !== i.children.length && we(i, e.map(function() { return "" }).join("")), e.forEach(function(t, e) { return i.children[e].textContent = t })) }) } }, methods: { start: function() { this.stop(), this.date && this.units.length && (this.$update(), this.timer = setInterval(this.$update, 1e3)) }, stop: function() { this.timer && (clearInterval(this.timer), this.timer = null) } } }; var Tr, Er = "uk-animation-target", _r = { props: { animation: Number }, data: { animation: 150 }, computed: { target: function() { return this.$el } }, methods: { animate: function(t) { var n = this; ! function() { if (Tr) return; (Tr = be(document.head, "